

Welcome to the website of the United Reformed Church Guide and Scout Fellowship

The aims of the Fellowship have remained constant throughout our 60 year history, to support Guiding and Scouting in particular within the church, to work with those responsible for children’s and youth work within the church and to help with the spiritual development of the members of the two movements. This can take the form of help with relationships between our groups and the church or the provision of ideas for craft and activities to help in the understanding and practice of duty to God.


For details of new Prayer Prompt cards go to "Booklets" page


Readers may have forgotten that we have produced two excellent little prayer books for use with children and young people. Checkout details of Time for Prayer and Time for Thought, each only £1 plus postage on the Sales page


For grants available from URC to help with youth work see

Children & Youth work grants - United Reformed Church


Do join us at an Open Committee meeting to learn more about the Fellowship and how it can help you 

Wednesday October 8th 7.30 pm

 Video call link: